Birth of a Family Film Home Birth Montano

Today nosotros'd similar to introduce you to Geneva Montano.

Geneva, let'due south start with your story. We'd love to hear how yous got started and how the journeying has been so far.
When I was 22 I got meaning very unexpectedly with my outset baby. This may be the kickoff time I can retrieve for certain that I realized that I was not in command of my life. I had a peachy program. I had recently graduated from college with a degree in foreign languages. I was very involved in my church and committed to post-obit what I thought the Bible wanted me to practise and as such I was celibate.

I had been to Russia three times as a missionary, and I already had my ticket to move to Siberia in March of 2000 to alive there and work with the church for ii years. I would come up dorsum and get my Masters in inner-city ministry in Chicago. Such a cracking program! My 22-yr-quondam cocky couldn't wait to get going. In November of 1999, I met a guy I had some proficient chemistry with, we had sexual practice a few times and my program was over, my life was forever changed! Instead of going to Russia to be a missionary, I became a mother.

Honestly, it was probably the hardest fourth dimension in my life. I loved my baby and then much, merely I felt like an outsider amongst all my church friends, I felt like I had failed my God and my family, both blood and chosen. I was meaning by a man I hardly knew. And I had a baby. Having a baby for the first time is and then isolating for most women in this country and I was certainly no different. I was alone all day trying to figure out how to get this infant and this stranger that looked just like me to cease crying. My friends went on with their lives.

My family unit all loved the baby, but they were all busy with their lives as well. My baby's dad had just opened a new business concern and he was pretty wrapped up in the ins and outs of making it successful. And we hardly knew each other anyway, I didn't experience like I could ask him for much. I really didn't feel like I could ask anyone for much. I was exactly the woman who I talk to my clients about. The woman who won't accept help, who feels like if she were strong plenty, courageous plenty, just ENOUGH… that she would be able to do all these things on her ain. And then I laid on the couch while my baby nursed and just drifted in and out of life for a year or so. I lost myself.

The proficient thing was, I felt actually great virtually my birth. I had a natural, vaginal, unmedicated birth. I idea that was pretty cool. I did experience like a badass when I idea about my birth. I looked at pictures from that day and I was BEAUTIFUL. Strong. Radiant. I remembered how my baby looked when he came out. His big eyes looking around, wondering what on globe all these new things were. I could tell at that moment that this baby would be a genius. I loved my babe and the beautiful experience my baby allowed me to have. I had honestly never really heard of anyone having a positive nativity experience up to that point. I had heard how difficult and painful information technology would be. I had heard that I should get the drugs. No 1 always told me that they felt like a goddess. That they died and came back a new person, even though no one else seemed to recognize the changes.

I had to detect a new path subsequently having my baby. Traveling around the earth to spread the gospel no longer seemed like an option with a newborn. Honestly, I accept never really felt similar I decided to get a birth worker. One twenty-four hour period my best friend, who was a huge lover of birth and pregnancy, and believed in natural birth even though she had three cesareans, told me about childbirth educators and that y'all could become one without being a nurse and they made decent money during evening and weekend hours. So I decided to give information technology a shot.

I e'er say that nascence is just like life. Whatever big challenges you tin can think of that come up in life, there is an analogy for that challenge that comes up in nascency. Birth tries to teach usa the lessons we have chosen to learn in this lifetime. Well, my life is no dissimilar. I believe that birth is generally intuitive, that the babe (or some other still small voice that comes from within the states) guides u.s. through the pregnancy and through the birth, and that when we learn to heed, that tiny whisper volition guide us through our lives besides.

I never felt like I was good at listening to that voice, so the universe often has had to simply push me where I need to become! Becoming a childbirth educator was the offset fourth dimension I was pushed onto the path to condign a midwife. I didn't even know that midwives still practiced at home when I started my training to be a Lamaze certified childbirth educator. I have always felt similar the universe or God, or my college cocky, has simply laid a path in front of me and I have just continued fumbling- taking steps, bumping into walls, taking detours, sometimes getting pushed or dragged, but always moving forrad on the path that led me to where I am at present.

I had my second babe in the hospital with a midwife. And with an epidural! Sometimes people are surprised that a homebirth midwife has had an epidural. I retrieve thinking before labor started that I wasn't sure I had the energy to get through a labor, and I certainly made that come truthful. I never actually asked for an epidural, but I asked to know what my pain relief options were and the adjacent thing I knew in that location was an anesthesiologist in my room. Somewhere inside myself, I knew I could say no at this point still, only it was just and so piece of cake NOT to say no! And so I said yes. My midwife came in while I was getting the epidural and said, "you're already tired?" I hated her for that comment. Had she come in earlier peradventure she could have helped me and I would have had some other unmedicated nascency. But instead, I felt shamed past her.

She stayed in the room after that, I got comfortable, my water broke and my son was born a few minutes after. He had a i minute APGAR of two so he was taken over to the warmer. He had the umbilical cord wrapped effectually his neck, his body and his arm. Afterward a few breaths he was doing fine and they brought him to me. My then married man'south birthday was the day before my son was born, and so he asked if he could go to a concert with his friends. I withal thought I couldn't really enquire him, or anyone, for anything, and then I said aye. My mom was at dwelling house with my sweet two-year-old. I was solitary.

The hospital where my son was built-in had a i-3 hour mandatory observation period for all babies. So they took my make new son and told me to rest. Old in the middle of the night after not sleeping at all, I started getting really antsy wondering why they didn't bring my baby back. I hitting the nurse phone call button and no one responded. I wandered effectually the halls for a few minutes just didn't know where to get in this huge hospital ward where all the walls and doors looked the same.

I still never bothered anyone. I sat alone in my room, worried, scared, lonely, non knowing what I should exercise. That was the twenty-four hour period I decided I would never have another infant in a hospital. And I didn't know it at the fourth dimension, but that was the 24-hour interval I decided that no birth giver should ever accept to wonder where their baby is or be scared and alone after they only pushed a baby out. That was the day my baby whispered to me that I needed to get a warrior for birth.

A year or so after that birth I was teaching childbirth classes in a hospital and people started request me if I would attend their births with them, then I became a doula. Then a position opened up at the hospital and I started working as a staff doula there as well. I had the blessing of being able to attend about 150 births there, learning the ins and outs of hospital birth. After a couple years of instruction and being a hospital doula and witnessing then many births, somewhere people were really in their ability, and somewhere they put their ability in their intendance providers' hands, I began looking for ways to become a midwife. I still didn't actually even know that homebirth still existed in this state, but I found a website online that offered a 2-twelvemonth training to go a homebirth midwife. Looking dorsum I tin can see all forth I was just beingness pushed along the path. Guided.

While I was doing my homebirth courses I found myself meaning again. My entire family and married man thought I might be a little crazy, merely of class, I had a dwelling birth. Oh my goodness, I simply cannot ever explicate the goodness and magic of habitation birth. It was the most peaceful and relaxing and natural experience. The baby just came out. In that location was no fuss, nothing that needed to exist washed, it was like information technology was just supposed to happen… and it did! Such a powerful feel. OK- I'm not going to lie, it was still intense.

One of the hardest things I've ever done. Simply my sweet daughter was born in the caul, undisturbed, without so much a vaginal test. And my midwife was adamant that I take fourth dimension to rest and be supported after the birth, I cried when she came over and brought me a goulash and refilled my peri canteen for me. Shout out to my midwife, Sena Johnson. Luckily since I loved that experience so much, I got pregnant AGAIN a few months later! Some other beautiful domicile birth surrounded past my children. Fast and hard. And magical and peaceful.

Well at this point I had four kids, two babies and two I was homeschooling. I was withal doing birth and postpartum doula piece of work. My husband was nevertheless trying to go his business to be successful. And an opportunity to work as an apprentice with my midwife opened up! Well, of form, this was the perfect time to work for free and finish up my midwifery grooming! And so for about a yr and a one-half, I somehow worked xl hours a week, homeschooled, and apprenticed as a midwife, attending prenatal appointments and several births a month with my preceptor. Until I lost my everloving heed.

My union was failing, all I e'er did was yell at my kids. I felt similar I was failing at everything I was doing. I missed a couple doula births which means I didn't get paid on top of feeling like I was letting people downwardly left and right. My kids were suffering, being dropped off at random strangers' houses when I had to go to a birth or a prenatal. I was exhausted, I'm not really sure if I ever slept. I loved birth work. Only I could not really imagine being any less happy in my life in general. So I quit.

I decided that I should just go to nursing schoolhouse and become a infirmary-based midwife. Something with a schedule that had some consistency to it. I started school for this. I put my kids into public school. The path I had been following felt too hard. It felt a mountain that was literally incommunicable to climb. And so I decided to create my own path, brand my own decisions. Well… even though school was easier than apprenticing and I had more fourth dimension with my family, it didn't take long to realize that it wasn't actually the path to beingness a midwife that made me miserable. I was just miserable.

Life as a parent was hard and my relationship with my partner was even harder. I had left the church. I was completely focused on taking intendance of everyone around me and I was so incredibly lonely. I didn't know who I was. After a few really hard hospital doula births I remembered why I never wanted to be a hospital midwife and I remembered that bright spot that dwelling house births brought to my life. And then I started my search to find a new preceptor to finish my grooming with. I was blessed to study under many amazing midwives.

Midwifery is something you can actually just larn by doing and watching and I am so grateful for the midwives who were gracious plenty to share their wisdom and skill with me, and really their lives besides. Being in an apprentice/preceptor relationship is a lot like a marriage. You see each other at your all-time and your worst. I am also grateful that the opportunities to written report nether the correct people were always, Ever placed in my path at the correct time. So many people who want to be midwives struggle to detect a midwife to study with. I was e'er placed exactly where I needed to be.

Well, fast forrad a few years and I was a real, legit midwife. I was also divorced, now a happier, single mom of four. I worked in a partnership with my 2nd preceptor for well-nigh a year when I realized that the kind of midwifery we were practicing was non what I thought midwifery would exist. Nosotros had skilful relationships with our clients and gave them high-quality care. Just somehow the magic that I felt was midwifery was missing. Somewhere in my heart, a midwife was more than just someone who kept birth rubber. She was a healer. A medicine woman. A witch. A shaman. And a trusted friend.

Even though I left the church building I have e'er been a deep and spiritual person and spent my costless time learning about magic and healing and God. I realized that these two facets of myself could no longer live autonomously from one another and that I was being called to exist a different kind of midwife. I went to Bharat in Nov of 2017 and I had a vision, a download of what my do was supposed to await similar. I would build community, offer healing in improver to midwifery care, create sacred infinite during the birth, and remind women and families how magical and powerful their bodies and their babies are. I would help women listen to their babies. We would build existent relationships and express mirth and weep together as we supported one another. I had a plan to continue working with my then partner until May of 2018 and so first my practice. Turns out my partner didn't think that was the best thought and on January 2nd she asked me to leave the keys to the office and return all my equipment.

That was a pretty hard push, universe. That one hurt. I was terrified. From 1 day to the adjacent I went from having this amazing plan to having nothing. No equipment, no clients, no support. I went and got my substitute teaching license because I had no faith that I could be successful as a midwife in a brusk amount of fourth dimension or really that my vision would become a reality at all. Every fourth dimension I have had a plan, things have gone pretty awry. My life, like nascence, seems to work better when I let it unfold in front end of me, listening to the placidity voices, rather than making a plan.

The corking thing about the universe is that when it pushes y'all, information technology will always catch you. I don't honestly know where clients have plant me. When I ask, they often don't seem to know either. But yous guys, I have had the best people come up into my life. I could not imagine having more perfect clients who believe in themselves, believe in birth, believe in me. Together nosotros have danced, meditated, shared, laughed, cried, died and been born again. My midwifery practise is flourishing. Since 2018 I became a yoga teacher and completed several other healing courses related to birth and life.

I trust God and my guides in a way I never have before and I can see how this path has led me to this nowadays moment. I see how every nativity is held, supported, guided, past the minor voices, the baby, the birthing bodies. People in my practice have gotten to know one another, supported one another, formed a real community. They accept experienced healing- through their births, through my hands guided past the divine, through each other. My hope is that each person I come in contact with tin feel the certainty that everything that happened in their nascence was divinely guided and that their babies knew the plan even when they didn't. It is beautiful to see the vision I had in India alive in this do.

The path continues and though I oftentimes feel similar I walk blindfolded, I trust I am held. In addition to midwifery, I am training new doulas and helping them learn how to support birthing people in a sacred style. Nosotros formed a non-profit with a mission to help stop disparities among communities that experience harm during birth while offering skills and grooming to people who tin can best back up those communities. Knowing these new doulas can get out and create then much more good than I could e'er do by myself brings me immense joy. I can't say I know where the path is leading next. I don't need to know. Simply like in birth, I know that I can never actually programme what the outcome will be. Only I am excited. I am open. I am putting one foot in front end of the other and I know that wherever information technology leads, as long as I am listening to the tranquillity, I am where I am supposed to be.

We'd dearest to hear more than about your work.
My midwifery practice is set autonomously in three ways – a focus on the spiritual side of pregnancy and birth, a focus on community, and a focus on accessibility. I offer healing sessions and community birth circles as part of my care and I work on a sliding calibration when necessary. I believe that habitation nativity should be an option for all people, not simply those who tin afford it.

What were you lot like growing up?
I take always been intrigued by spirituality and by people. I have always been a expert friend and generous to those in need. I went to George Washington HS in Denver and loved having friends from all walks of life, neighborhoods, backgrounds and belief systems.


  • Midwifery Services including all prenatal, labor, birth, and postpartum intendance is $4000. Sliding Calibration available to those in need.
  • Healing sessions are $100 for ninety minutes
  • Doula Training is $500. Sliding scale available

Contact Info:

  • Address: 3788 Due south Hazel Ct
    Englewood CO 80110
  • Website:
  • Phone: 7204224214
  • Email:
  • Instagram:
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  • Yelp:

Image Credit:
Taylor Davenport, ApertureGrrl, Hillary Kaye Photography

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